
Play Princess Charity Day


Princess Charity Day

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Date Added: 2017-07-11
Rating: 17%
Played: 2701

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Description: What could give more fun than hosting an amazing party while also making a good deed? Today Princess College is going to make a Grand Charity Ball! Yay! Elsa and Belle are super-excited about it. Jasmine and Ariel are ready to join their BFF’s. And this lovely four want to show their best. First of all they have to create the cutest and the loveliest sign ever. Go and help them! Then it’s time to choose gowns for our princesses. Pick a glamorous long dress and a chic hairstyle for Elsa. And don’t forget about Belle as well!
Action Other Puzzle Racing Shooting Sports Doll Fashion Logic DressUp Funny Strategy Cartoon RPG Decoration Multiplayer